Otherworldly Gauze

Otherworldly Gauze

Santa Monica Pier   The dense morning fog was beginning to lighten when I crawled out of bed. Every thought that crossed my mind seemed wrong, and a disturbing ache filled my gut. I dressed, grabbed my camera, and slipped out of our room, careful not to wake...
In the Broader Sense

In the Broader Sense

Allan Holdsworth with recording engineer Robert Feist during the recording of the Metal Fatigue LP circa 1985   The first day I worked with Allan Holdsworth as a recording engineer, our session ran late into the evening. At about one a.m. I recorded copies of the...
Save your earth. You can’t get off. 

Save your earth. You can’t get off. 

Asilomar State Beach, California   April 22nd, 1970, the first Earth Day, I remember standing in the courtyard of my high school, thinking about what it meant. It felt like such a noble cause. Surely now everyone would take our mutual Mother seriously and look...
Living Gracefully

Living Gracefully

Morro Bay, California   As we walked through the nursing home, it seemed like Grace knew everyone. Old ranchers with carved faces and missing digits sat alone in wheelchairs parked along the hallway. She would crouch down to their level, rub their shoulders and...
A Hundred Answers

A Hundred Answers

Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey, California   She sat there on those steps most afternoons, reading a book checked out from the library down the street. I walked past her several times a week for months, and I couldn’t quite figure her out, because she...
Morning Ritual

Morning Ritual

I walk into the room, usually, in the morning, I’m always the first to arrive so, for now, I’m alone. I open up the room, the curtains, doors, and lights, then I start to turn on the gear. The equipment fans begin to hum, lights of different colors blink on, video and...