Something Beautiful

Something Beautiful

Asilomar State Beach, Pacific Grove, Colifornia   The sun sparkles through raindrops, dripping from trees like cut diamonds with the sky a deep blue backdrop. The spectacle massages my mind. Look for something beautiful, I thought, to distract from the...
Intention Retention

Intention Retention

Quarry Park, Monterey, California   I love these rocks. In Quarry Park at the end of the path, in a place that holds a speck of peace in nature, people stack rocks and decorate them with flowers and bits of plants. They change day to day. Sometimes, I add a rock...
Calm vs Chaos

Calm vs Chaos

Ojai Valley, California   I worked for a record producer who loved chaos. I’d get to the studio early to set up mics, music stands, and headphones, align the machine, and thread up a roll of tape. The preparation was my insurance policy for a smooth...


Venice Beach, California   Well, I guess I have to ask the question. Why do people spend so much time looking for a way to express themselves? It’s not about money. That’s for sure. Is it the challenge, an internal drive to find out what you can do, allowing it...