The Garden Door

The Garden Door

I came across a pink door in the forest leading to nowhere. Have you noticed these lonely doors? Some of them are nice, all painted up with fancy hardware. I know they’re just for fun, but it takes an effort to build a workable door, so is there a hidden meaning? I...
Living Gracefully

Living Gracefully

Morro Bay, California   As we walked through the nursing home, it seemed like Grace knew everyone. Old ranchers with carved faces and missing digits sat alone in wheelchairs parked along the hallway. She would crouch down to their level, rub their shoulders and...


Monterey Bay, Monterey, California   When something isn’t working in the recording studio, it can be a task to figure out what’s wrong. The first thing we do is follow the signal flow from one point to another until we find the breakpoint, but often...
Only Sitting

Only Sitting

Redwood Forest, Big Sur, California   It had been a crazy day at work, not unlike most days, I suppose. I was late to my meditation group that evening, and when I pulled up, most of the others were already filtering in the door. I grabbed a sitting pillow and...
Loud Cover

Loud Cover

Premier 100 Guitar Amplifier   Volume gets everyone’s attention. It’s powerful, and all too often, can’t be ignored. You can hide in loud. In the recording studio, loud covers the truth of low energy, bad performance, and weak songs in the same...