Hiding in Silence

Hiding in Silence

Photo of original wall, San Carlos Cathedral One of the fascinating things about seeing paintings by the old masters is looking closely and examining the individual brush strokes. Hundreds of years can’t hide the evidence of human touch, and it creates a palpable...
Earth Day, 49 Years 

Earth Day, 49 Years 

Haleakala Sunset, Maui, Hawaii I remember the first Earth Day in 1970. We used different words back then: water pollution, air pollution, and ozone depletion. Aerosol spray was a threat. The first Earth Day and the actions that followed had broad support from the...


When walking through a forest, I’ve noticed certain unique trees, usually located some distance from each other: they are larger, straighter, stronger, and they have a majestic air about them. They appear older than the others by some measure and look regal, a forest...
Saving Grace

Saving Grace

The summer I was sixteen, I thought, this may be my last summer to goof off because I’ll probably have to work every summer from here on out. I’d better make the best of it. Well, that lasted about a week. My dad came down into the basement, woke me up and said, “Get...